How to spot a machine learning opportunity

Success with AI requires all kinds of people seek out machine learning opportunities. Learn how to create a team of AI sleuths
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When it comes to AI adoption, the adage “the future is already here, it’s just not evenly distributed” applies. There’s not only a shortage of data scientists, but also a shortage of business stakeholders willing or accustomed to identifying problems capable of being solved with AI. 

That’s the premise of a recent Harvard Business Review article by Kathryn Hume, “How to spot a machine learning opportunity, even if you aren’t a data scientist.” Hume makes the case that having an intuition for how machine learning algorithms work will be an important business skill in the foreseeable future. Fortunately, this skill can be learned.

Download this article for Hume’s step-by-step guide and simple math equation that anyone in your organization can use to determine where AI and machine learning can assist in achieving business outcomes. 


Carla Rudder is a community manager and program manager for The Enterprisers Project. She enjoys bringing new authors into the community and helping them craft articles that showcase their voice and deliver novel, actionable insights for readers.  


Thank you for sharing Kathryn Hume's article on “How to spot a machine learning opportunity, even if you aren’t a data scientist.”

With all the hype surrounding AI/ML it is great to have something one can "pull out of their pocket" to better help business people understand what is (and is not) an AI/ML opportunity.

The link to article goes to Is there a direct link? Thanks!

Hi Nicole,
Here is the direct link: