8 thought leaders to follow on LinkedIn

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312 Week Business Vision Tim Elkins CIO Enterprisers

Are you just using LinkedIn to network? If so, you’re missing out on the chance to expand your leadership knowledge by following people whose articles share wisdom from outside your field. Consider following these eight leaders, some well known and some who may be new to you, via LinkedIn. You'll note these aren't CIOs. We're guessing you already follow many IT leaders, and that those of you using the holiday weekend to improve your social media game may want to think more broadly.

By the way, we hope you’ll also follow The Enterprisers Project’s LinkedIn page, where we bring you the latest advice for CIOs, by CIOs.

1. Richard Branson

The legendary Virgin founder remains relatable, though the multi-business Branson has traveled far from his scrappy startup era in the ‘60s. His regular insights are more relevant to the rise to leadership rather than the grip of it.

Must read: My Metric for Success? Happiness

2. Gary Vaynerchuk

An intense entrepreneur, Gary Vaynerchuk is known for cut-to-the-chase dialogue that has motivated thousands of business owners. His frequent, passionate LinkedIn posts are usually interwoven with live video and other media, creating multilayered conversations.

Must read: Numbers Don’t Matter, Influence Does

3. Susan Cain

The popular TED speaker redefines the term “quiet leadership” – as in giving introverts the tools they need to succeed in business. Her smart, regular articles show the value in talking less and listening more.

Must read: Why Creative People are Rarely Seen as Leaders

4. Adam Grant

The Wharton professor gives serious knowledge on LinkedIn, like an extension of his best-selling books about the value of giving. The ideas are often counterintuitive, which makes Grant’s feed a must look for business innovation and inspiration.

Must read: When You Get Fired or Fail Big, This is How Your Bounce Forward

5. Daniel Goleman

If you believe in the power of emotional intelligence, Goleman is the man to thank for it. As head of the Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organizations, he helped corporations value the power of understanding, managing, and empathizing with our feelings. His posts show how high EQ can lead to even higher success.

Must read: Emotional Intelligence Myth vs. Fact

6. Whitney Johnson

As an advocate for corporate disruption, Johnson believes the biggest innovations don’t come from wide, sweeping restructuring, but from personal growth. Her online conversations combine personal insight with feedback from other thought leaders.

Must read: It’s Impossible To Be Too Generous

7. Steve Blank

Much of the startup blueprint – launch fast, fail fast – comes from Silicon Valley godfather Steve Blank. The veteran writes a ton on LinkedIn, dropping wisdom practical for both novices and grizzled survivors. 

Must read: Working Hard is Not the Same as Working Smart

8. Guy Kawasaki

This high-profile consultant was involved in some of the earliest – and now, biggest – tech companies in the '90s. Follow Kawasaki for a veteran’s view of what will happen next in Silicon Valley.

Must read: How to Never Fail

Damon Brown is a consultant and advisor for potential entrepreneurs, budding startups and established media companies. Damon’s latest book, "The Bite-Sized Entrepreneur: 21 Ways to Ignite Your Passion & Pursue Your Side Hustle," shares the tactics he used to lead his last startup, Cuddlr, to acquisition within a year.