Executive's guide to AI: New HBR Analytic Services research

Get real-world lessons learned from CIOs making artificial intelligence work for their organizations
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Companies should be pursuing artificial intelligence now or risk falling behind competitors that are taking the long-hyped technology more seriously, according to new research from Harvard Business Review Analytic Services. We've reached the point where AI "should be at the top of every executive's short-term priority list," the research finds.

"Hype in tech is nothing new. What’s different this time is the degree to which reasonable and knowledgeable people believe that there is, indeed, a real urgency to get going with AI now," according to the new research available today: "An Executive's Guide to Real-World AI." 

The report goes beyond the AI hype and shares insights and real-world experiences from more than a dozen top chief information and digital officers and AI experts, offering lessons from the front lines of business, including:

  • Definitions of key AI terms
  • 5 keys to AI success in your enterprise
  • Potential risks and guidance for avoiding them
  • Advice on how to develop AI talent
  • A look at the widespread impact on jobs

The report also includes real-world AI case studies from Adobe, 7-Eleven, Bayer Crop Science, Caesar's Entertainment, Capital One, Discover, Equifax, Raytheon, and more. Among the examples:

  • Learn Adobe's plan for training and certifying 5,000 engineers on the technical aspects of AI and machine learning by early 2020. 
  • Find out how defense company Raytheon is improving compliance with complex export regulations with a decision tree-based predictive model/algorithm. 
  • Discover how retailer 7-Eleven is avoiding out-of-stock situations with machine and deep learning techniques to estimate demand in local markets.
  • Learn how Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center freed up 30 percent of its operating room capacity by using machine learning data from a million patients. 

Download the full HBR Analytic Services report, An Executive's Guide to Real-World AI: Lessons from the Front Lines of Business

Ginny Holden is an independent consultant who brings the practice of IT to life through memorable storytelling.