Cybersecurity CTO: A day in the life Ron Reiter, CTO at cybersecurity startup Sentra, shares the different expectations of a CTO and how...
11 hot IT roles: A day in the life Our 'A day in the life' series highlighted the variety of roles an IT career path can take you
Product leader: A day in the life The role of a product leader involves more than systems and strategies. LiveRamp's SVP of product...
CIO: A day in the life Expereo CIO Jean-Philippe Avelange explores the global demands of an always-on role, the pace of...
Cognitive scientist: A day in the life A cognitive scientist at a data company? Yes, you read that right. Dr. Sarah Cavrak shares insight...
Product experience and engineering: A day in the life Elli Rader, a partner at West Monroe, shares her unique career path and offers insights into the way...
Chief engineering officer: A day in the life Boomi chief engineering officer Rajesh Raheja on the importance of thinking strategically, what...
President of an ethics reporting provider: A day in the life Shannon Walker, president of WhistleBlower Security, shares insights on what it means to be a leader...
CISO: A day in the life Looking for a challenging, in-demand career where you can make a difference in the world? Nuspire's...
Software developer: A day in the life Jobsity software developer Alana Corrêa shares insights on what it takes to become a developer, the...