Digital transformation roundup: 5 articles to boost your efforts

Digital transformation is a poorly understood term. We answer some common questions and share updated resources to help you on your journey
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The term “digital transformation” is one some people love to hate. The good news: We’ve reached a point where most CIOs get its intended meaning. But that doesn’t mean everyone in their IT organization does, let alone their business colleagues. I believe Simona Rollinson, CTO of the IT governance association ISACA put it well when she recently said:

People often conflate the terms digitization, digitalization, and digital transformation.

“Digital transformation is a poorly understood term. Just like innovation. People often conflate the terms digitization, digitalization, and digital transformation. These are very distinct terms, ranging from moving a paper-based process to an online process or automation, to the way we have restructured our social life around media and digital communication," Rollinson said. 

The Enterprisers Project is continually working to help readers understand the many facets of digital transformation. Below is a roundup of some recent articles that advance the conversation. And, we've also released a new downloadable guide that answers some of the most common questions around the term. 

Ginny Holden is an independent consultant who brings the practice of IT to life through memorable storytelling.