GDPR: 6 must-reads for leaders

GDPR went into effect May 25. Here's what you need to know about the privacy regulations – and why they may clash with blockchain
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After months of discussion – and a last-minute flood of privacy policy emails to consumers –  the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) went into effect May 25. This regulatory change, which seeks to  protect consumers’ personally identifiable information, is probably the biggest privacy change you’ve seen during your career. It reaches far beyond the EU and seeks to monitor how companies collect and store data, as well as how they share data with partners, subcontractors, and even cloud providers. 

Some IT leaders seem to dread the topic of GDPR: One attendee at last week’s MIT Sloan CIO Symposium tweeted that the refreshing thing about the conference was that GDPR had not been mentioned. 

[ Did you miss the MIT Sloan CIO Symposium? Catch up on 8 key takeaways for IT leaders. ]

However, as with any regulatory change, preparation is key. We’ve rounded up our recent coverage to get you up to speed on preparation strategies, audit avoidance, likely pain points, and more. 

What is GDPR? 8 things leaders should know

The GDPR, or General Data Protection Regulation, is one of the widest-reaching – and potentially most punitive – privacy laws ever. Learn the key facts

GDPR: Biggest pain points, now and later

Expert advice on top pain points and what to worry less – and more – about

Blockchain and GDPR: Can they get along?

Blockchain promises immutable records. GDPR promises the right to be forgotten. How will this work out?

GDPR prep: Get ahead of data compliance rules

One benefit of preparing for the upcoming GDPR data privacy regulations: You can boost customer service at the same time

How to avoid a GDPR compliance audit: Best practices

How can CIOs prepare for the GDPR privacy regulations? Here are four strategies for Linux environments.

GDPR confusion: IT puzzled over data protection officer role

Do you understand the rules around having a data protection officer - and how that person can and can't interact with IT?

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Laurianne McLaughlin is Editorial Director, Digital Communities for Red Hat, leading content strategy. Previously, she served as Content Director for The Enterprisers Project, Editor-in-Chief at, and Managing Editor at